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lukesRlib 0.2.10 (6th June 2024)


lukesRlib 0.2.9 (28th Feb 2024)

Bug fixes

  • get_assoc() - Fix fit_stat_se if missing
  • get_assoc() - Fix covariate checking if interaction included in formula. Resolving issue #1

lukesRlib 0.2.8 (19th Feb 2024)

  • get_assoc()
    • add interacts_with argument. Default is ““. User can provide a variable name (string) to also get interaction terms
    • Fixed bug in return_all_terms when exposure was factor
    • Include SE for C-statistic if returning fit_stat for coxph() models

lukesRlib 0.2.7 (29th Jan 2024)

  • get_assoc() - add return_all_terms argument. Default is false. If TRUE, adds a new col terms and returns the estimates for all independent variables in the models.
  • get_assoc() - remove subset_d argument
  • get_assoc() - fixed if exposure or outcome needs to be protected by backticks (previously failed if variable was something like “bmi-1”)
  • get_assoc() - fixed problem where covariate estimates were also included in certain situations (e.g., if x=“age” do not get covariate “percentage”)
  • Update examples for many functions

lukesRlib 0.2.6 (13 Nov 2023)

  • get_assoc() - fixed if no covariates provided
  • get_assoc() - if x and y are the same, skip (useful if providing same list of variables twice for pairwise analysis)
  • get_assoc() - added verbose option for bug checking
  • get_assoc() - added beep option for beeping when finished
  • tidy_ci() - add some functionality for summarizing fixed-effects from lme4::lmer()
  • Add example_data object for examples. Contains ~5,000 participants from Framingham Heart Study

lukesRlib 0.2.5 (25 Aug 2023)

lukesRlib 0.2.4 (30 Jun 2023)

  • Add option “get_fit” to get_assoc() to also get model fit statistic when PheWASing. For each model type the fit_stat is:
    • lm = R-squared
    • logistic = McFadden’s pseudo-R2
    • coxph = Harrell’s c-statistic
  • Fix error if user does not want to provide any covariates to get_assoc()
  • tidy_ci() now returns the C-statistic for CoxPH models by default

lukesRlib 0.2.3 (7 Jun 2023)

  • Decided to remove genetics-related functions to instead have them in a separate package, as the dependencies were getting out of hand
  • Add annotate_textp() function for use in ggplot2 plots for adding easy text annotation geoms
  • Moved some functions to be internal only to tidy up the namespace
  • Fix get_p_extreme if NaN is passed rather than NA

lukesRlib 0.2.2

  • Decided to remove doCoxSplinePlot() because it is so much easier to do in {ggplot2} that a whole function is no longer necessary
    • Therefore the {pspline} dependency can be removed
  • Set extreme_ps default to FALSE in get_assoc()

lukesRlib 0.2.1

  • Added p-value threshold option to get_loci()
  • Fix problem getting n in get_assoc() when model="coxph"

lukesRlib 0.2.0 (5 May 2023)

  • get_assoc() can now perform coxph() models from the {survival} package. The user provides strings depicting the survival object as the outcome e.g., “Surv(time, event)”
  • Added two genetics-related functions: lambda_gc() (to calculate Lambda GC!) and get_loci() (to crudely determine independent loci in GWAS summary stats)
  • General improvements/clarifications throughout code and documentation

lukesRlib 0.1.9

  • Added dependency {rlang} >= v1.0.0 so that the sym() function can be used - i.e., using provided variable name strings in dplyr::mutate() etc
  • get_assoc() now allows options inv_norm_x and inv_norm_y

lukesRlib 0.1.8

  • Changed get_assoc() so that x and y can be vectors - i.e., multiple exposures/outcomes can be provided. Then uses {purrr} function map2() to iterate over combinations
    • This package now depends on {purrr} >= v1.0.0 & {stringr} >= v1.5.0
    • Added functions xv() and yv() to improve ease of using {purrr} function map2() with get_assoc() for PheWAS of multiple exposures and outcomes in one analysis

lukesRlib 0.1.7

lukesRlib 0.1.6

  • fixes to get_assoc() (when no events in exposure group, or when two factor variables included)
  • add scale options for exposure and outcome to get_assoc()
  • in tidy_ci() tidy variable names with “scale()”

lukesRlib 0.1.5

  • tidy_ci() now tidies up terms included as categorical variables. “as.factor(x_var)1” is replaced with “x_var-1”. Can be disabled with tidy_factors=FALSE
  • addition of “Plotting” category of functions, starting with doCoxSplinePlot() that nicely plots the output of a spline term in a CoxPH model
  • Minor fix to tidy_ci() to avoid breaks due to missing p-values in model summary statistics

lukesRlib 0.1.4

lukesRlib 0.1.3

  • Updates to tidy_ci()
  • Add get_se() from CIs function – very simple but adds to collection of related functions
  • General improvements

lukesRlib 0.1.2

  • Updated method for -log10 p-value calculation. One just uses Z. Other uses Z and N.

lukesRlib 0.1.1

  • Added two new p-value related functions – very simple but nice to have available

lukesRlib 0.1.0 (26 Jan 2023)

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.