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By default the (amazing) `broom` package uses the `confint()` function to calculate CIs. For GLMs this calculates confidence intervals via profile likelihood by default. When using large datasets this takes a long time and does not meaningfully alter the CIs compared to simply calculating using 1.96*SE. This function `tidy_ci()` runs `broom::tidy()` and returns the tidy estimates with CIs calculated as EST +/- 1.96*SE. (Well, actually 1.959964)

The function also does a few other nice/useful things to the output: hides the intercept by default, automatically detects logistic/CoxPH/CRR models and exponentiates the estimates, and if p=0 returns the extreme p as a string. Other optional outputs include -log10 p-values.

Not tested for models other than `glm()` and `survival::coxph()` where it seems to work very well and produces consistent CIs. Also works well for `cmprsk::crr()`.

For linear mixed-effects models `lmer()` from package lme4 this can display the fixed-effects with p-values and Wald CIs.


  ci = TRUE,
  ci_denominator = 1.959964,
  exp = FALSE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  tidy_factors = TRUE,
  extreme_ps = TRUE,
  neglog10p = FALSE,
  check_model = TRUE,
  n = NA,
  get_r2 = TRUE, = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,



object containing model output to be tidied e.g., from a `glm()` or `survival::coxph()`.


Logical. Default is TRUE. Calculate CIs using 1.96*SE method - where 1.96 can be modified using `ci_denominator`.


Numeric. Default is 1.96 (actually 1.959964). The standard error of the sample mean.


Logical. Default is FALSE. Exponentiate estimate and CIs -- also see `check_model`.


Logical. Default is FALSE. Exclude intercept for tidier output.


Logical. Default is TRUE. Tidy `as.factor(x_var)#` terms to `x_var-#`.


Logical. Default is TRUE. If p=0 then return "extreme p-values" as strings.


Logical. Default is FALSE. Provides negative log10 p-values (if input is class `glm` or `coxph` or `crr` -- user can provide sample size `n=#` to override).


Logical. Default is TRUE. Set `exp=TRUE` if `glm(family=binomial)` or `survival::coxph()` or `cmprsk::crr()` was performed.


Numeric. Default is NA. The N for `neglog10p` is extracted automatically for `glm` or `coxph` objects - override here if required.


Logical. Default is TRUE. get R^2 value if model is linear, or C-statistic if model is CoxPH


Logical. Default is FALSE. Suppress text output


Other `tidy()` options


Returns a tibble - summary statistics from a model


Luke Pilling


fit_linear = glm(sbp ~ age + sex + as.factor(bmi_cat), data = example_data)
#> Linear model (estimate=coefficient) :: N=4690 :: R2=0.21
#> # A tibble: 4 × 7
#>   term      estimate std.error statistic   p.value conf.low conf.high
#>   <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 age          0.951    0.0353     26.9  1.45e-148    0.882     1.02 
#> 2 sex         -1.48     0.606      -2.44 1.48e-  2   -2.67     -0.291
#> 3 bmi_cat-1    7.40     0.652      11.4  1.70e- 29    6.13      8.68 
#> 4 bmi_cat-2   16.3      0.940      17.3  2.78e- 65   14.4      18.1  

fit_logistic = glm(event ~ age + sex + bmi, data = example_data, family = binomial)
tidy_ci(fit_logistic)   # detect model and exponentiate automatically
#> Binomial model (estimate=Odds Ratio) :: N=4690, Ncases=1472
#> # A tibble: 3 × 7
#>   term  estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
#>   <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 age       1.04   0.00388      8.95 3.47e-19     1.03      1.04
#> 2 sex       2.10   0.0654      11.3  1.02e-29     1.84      2.38
#> 3 bmi       1.07   0.00801      8.66 4.74e-18     1.06      1.09