Diagnosis of conditions in UK Biobank participants come from multiple data sources:
Self-report during assessment
Hospital inpatient records (HES)
Primary care (GP)
Cancer registry
Cause of death
The {ukbrapR} package makes it fast and easy to ascertain diagnoses from multiple UK Biobank data sources in the DNAnexus Research Analysis Platform (RAP).
Requires exported files
This only needs to happen once per project. Running
will submit the necessary
jobs to save the raw medical records files
to the RAP persistent storage for the project. ~10Gb of text files are
created. This will cost ~£0.15 per month to store in the RAP standard
Once the files are exported (~15mins) these can then be used by the below functions to extract diagnoses based on codes lists.
Depending on the data source different coding vocabularies are required:
(for searching HES diagnoses, cause of death, and cancer registry)ICD9
(for searching older HES diagnosis data)Read2
(for GP clinical events)OPCS3
(for HES operations)ukb_cancer
(for self-reported illness at UK Biobank assessments - all instances will be searched)
Ascertaining diagnoses typically takes two steps:
1. Get medical records and self-reported illness data for provided codes
For a given set of diagnostic codes get the participant medical events and self-reported data. Returns a list of 6 data frames: the subset of the long clinical files with matched codes.
Codes need to be provided as a data frame with two fields:
and code
. Valid code vocabularies are
listed above. Other cols (such as condition and description) are
# example diagnostic codes for Chronic Kidney Disease
codes_df_ckd <- ukbrapR:::codes_df_ckd
#> condition vocab_id code
#> 1 ckd ICD10 N18.3
#> 2 ckd ICD10 N18.4
#> 3 ckd ICD10 N18.5
#> 4 ckd ICD10 N18.6
#> 5 ckd ICD10 N18.9
#> 6 ckd ICD10 N19
# get diagnosis data - returns list of data frames (one per source)
diagnosis_list <- get_diagnoses(codes_df_ckd)
#> ℹ ukbrapR v0.3.2
#> → Checking provided codes (remember only the first 5 characters are used)
#> - N unique ICD10 codes: 7
#> - N unique Read2 codes: 40
#> - N unique CTV3 codes: 37
#> → Ascertaining cause of death data.
#> ✔ Loaded `death_cause` with 1962 matched rows.
#> → Ascertaining HES diagnosis data (ICD10s).
#> ✔ Loaded `hesin_diag` with 202562 matched rows.
#> → Ascertaining GP data.
#> ✔ Loaded `gp_clinical` with 30938 matched rows.
#> ✔ Finished. Time taken: 29.3s.
# N records for each source
#> [1] 30938
#> [1] 202562
#> [1] 1962
If providing primary care codes for measures (BMI etc) these are also
returned (the gp_clinical
object in the returned list
contains all cols for matched codes).
2. Get date first diagnosed
Usually the user is interested in combining the separate data sources into a combined phenotype: the date first diagnosed for each participant from the data/codes in step 1 (cause of death, HES diagnoses, GP clinical, cancer registry, HES operations, and self-reported illness fields).
In addition to the “date first” df
field are:
- a
field indicating the source of the date of first diagnosis. - a
field indicating the cases [1] and controls [0]. This relies on a small number of baseline fields also exported. Thedf
field for the controls is the date of censoring (currently 30 October 2022). - a
field indicating whether the case was before the UK Biobank baseline assessment
# for each participant, get Date First diagnosed with the condition
diagnosis_df <- get_df(diagnosis_list)
#> ℹ ukbrapR v0.3.2
#> ✔ Identified date of first diagnosis in 31683 participants.
#> [1] "eid" "gp_df" "hes_df" "death_df" "df" "bin" "bin_prev"
#> [8] "src"
#> eid gp_df hes_df
#> Min. :1000014 Min. :1958-01-01 Min. :1995-08-29
#> 1st Qu.:2256719 1st Qu.:2007-04-27 1st Qu.:2014-10-29
#> Median :3513172 Median :2009-09-15 Median :2018-04-24
#> Mean :3513237 Mean :2010-02-11 Mean :2017-04-01
#> 3rd Qu.:4769764 3rd Qu.:2013-01-01 3rd Qu.:2020-11-04
#> Max. :6026565 Max. :2017-09-06 Max. :2022-10-31
#> NA's :489524 NA's :478078
#> death_df df bin bin_prev
#> Min. :2008-02-20 Min. :1958-01-01 Min. :0.00000 Min. :0.00000
#> 1st Qu.:2017-08-01 1st Qu.:2022-10-30 1st Qu.:0.00000 1st Qu.:0.00000
#> Median :2020-03-03 Median :2022-10-30 Median :0.00000 Median :0.00000
#> Mean :2019-04-03 Mean :2022-04-22 Mean :0.06308 Mean :0.01314
#> 3rd Qu.:2021-07-16 3rd Qu.:2022-10-30 3rd Qu.:0.00000 3rd Qu.:0.00000
#> Max. :2022-12-15 Max. :2022-12-01 Max. :1.00000 Max. :1.00000
#> NA's :500347 NA's :5
#> src
#> Length:502274
#> Class :character
#> Mode :character
You can add a prefix to all the variable names by specifying the “prefix” option:
diagnosis_df <- get_df(diagnosis_list, prefix="ckd")
#> ℹ ukbrapR v0.3.2
#> ✔ Identified date of first ckd diagnosis in 31683 participants.
# how many cases ascertained?
#> 0 1
#> 470591 31683
# source of earliest diagnosis date
#> death gp hes
#> 243 12401 19039
# date of diagnosis for prevalent cases (i.e., before UK Biobank baseline assessment)
summary(diagnosis_df$ckd_df[ diagnosis_df$ckd_bin_prev == 1 ])
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> "1958-01-01" "2006-06-21" "2007-01-12" "2006-06-24" "2007-11-19" "2010-06-16"
#> NA's
#> "5"
Ascertaining multiple conditions at once
The default get_df()
behaviour is to use all available
codes. However, the most time-efficient way to get multiple conditions
is to run get_diagnoses()
once for all codes for the
conditions you wish to ascertain, then get the “date first diagnosed”
for each condition separately. In the codes data frame you just need a
field indicating the condition name, that will become the variable
# combine haemochromatosis and CKD codes together
# each contain there columns: condition, vocab_id, and code
# where `condition` is either "hh" or "ckd" and will become the variable prefix
codes_df_combined <- rbind(ukbrapR:::codes_df_hh, ukbrapR:::codes_df_ckd)
# get diagnosis data - returns list of data frames (one per source)
diagnosis_list <- get_diagnoses(codes_df_combined)
#> ℹ ukbrapR v0.3.2
#> → Checking provided codes (remember only the first 5 characters are used)
#> - N unique ICD10 codes: 8
#> - N unique ICD9 codes: 1
#> - N unique Read2 codes: 45
#> - N unique CTV3 codes: 45
#> - N unique UKB-self-reported codes: 1
#> → Ascertaining cause of death data.
#> ✔ Loaded `death_cause` with 2004 matched rows.
#> → Ascertaining HES diagnosis data (ICD10s).
#> ✔ Loaded `hesin_diag` with 235259 matched rows.
#> → Ascertaining HES diagnosis data (ICD9s).
#> ✔ Loaded `hesin_diag` with 0 matched rows.
#> → Ascertaining GP data.
#> ✔ Loaded `gp_clinical` with 32379 matched rows.
#> → Ascertaining self-reported illness data.
#> ✔ Loaded `selfrep_illness` with 185 matched rows.
#> ✔ Finished. Time taken: 38.4s.
# for each participant, get Date First diagnosed with the condition
diagnosis_df <- get_df(diagnosis_list, group_by="condition")
#> ℹ ukbrapR v0.3.2
#> → 2 groups identified - getting date first for each
#> ✔ Identified date of first hh diagnosis in 2002 participants.
#> ✔ Identified date of first ckd diagnosis in 31683 participants.
#> ℹ Finished getting date first diagnosed for each group/condition.
# each condition has full set of output
#> 0 1
#> 500267 2002
#> 0 1
#> 470591 31683
In the above example we also included a UK Biobank self-reported illness code for haemochromatosis, that was also ascertained (the Date First is run on each condition separately, they do not all need to have the same data sources).